Critical zero-day-gap in Log4j (CVE-2021-44228) compromises numerous servers and apps. We have checked our software and services for this - our products PAVE and DYVE are NOT affected. Our customers' data is safe!

High level of e-collaboration

for the GWG München

Sie arbeitet kontinuierlich daran, in der stetig wachsenden Stadt bezahlbaren Wohnraum für die Münchnerinnen und Münchner anzubieten. Hierzu baut die GWG an verschiedenen Standorten in München neue Wohnanlagen. „Die Notwendigkeit, einen Projektraum für eine effiziente Projektraumkommunikation einzusetzen, bestätigt sich bei jedem Bauvorhaben neu“, erklärte Herr Weißenberger, Projektleiter Neubau bei der GWG.

gwg nutzt pave für baumanagement

30 million euros
Project volume

2,600 FILES / 6 GB
Data volume


Rental space

6,200 sqm
Gross floor area

To make the current working basis available to all specialist planners at all times.

All those involved in the project exchange cross-company documents at a central point via the PMG project room.

Briefly about the client

GWG Städtische Wohnungsgesellschaft München mbH manages over 27,000 rental apartments and almost 600 commercial units.

They work continuously to offer affordable housing for the people of Munich in the steadily growing city. For this purpose, the GWG is building new residential complexes at various locations in Munich. “The need to use a project room for efficient project communication is confirmed with every construction project,” explained Mr. Weißenberger, project manager for new buildings at GWG.

Why did GWG choose PMG?

Central data storage

For the first construction phase, 25 companies with a total of 37 participants use PMG’s software. Around 2,600 files with a data volume of almost 6 GB are available on the platform. In the planning phase of the second construction phase, around 20 users from ten companies are currently exchanging documents via the PMG platform. The files provided are, among other things, construction plans, expert opinions, permits and protocols, which are checked for completeness by the GWG project management and released for further use by other project participants.

“We save interfaces with a project room. There is only one central place where everyone has to post their work results. So everyone is always up to date,” says Mr. Weißenberger happily. Based on the files set in the project room, the project management can get an up-to-date picture of the planning progress at any time and intervene immediately if necessary.


As a project room administrator, Mr. Weißenberger has special rights to manage the project room. He creates new directories himself and sets the access rights to folders and documents for the project members. The GWG has control over the flow of information and the documentation structure it needs. The PMG project room logs every action in the project room in an audit-proof manner. The GWG can therefore track at any time who had what level of information and when. The project room also saves the different versions of a document. In this way, the housing company can clarify at a later point in time who accessed which plan and when.

Basis for management

The apartments on Ackermannbogen will remain in the GWG property and will be managed by them after the building has been completed. Consistent use of the project room for cross-company document exchange results in complete construction documentation. After completion of the project, Mr. Weißenberger hands over a large part of the documents, such as building plans, to his colleagues in Facility Management and Technology. The data form an important basis for the operation of the apartments.

„We save interfaces with a project room. There is only one central place where everyone has to submit their work results. Everyone is up to date. There are no old plans or stands.“

Stephan Weißenberger
Project manager new building at GWG

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