The Austrian ZIMA group has been realizing real estate projects in the entire Alpine region for over forty years. The subsidiary ZIMA Projektentwicklung Deutschland GmbH & Co. Perlach KG is planning and realizing an exclusive residential complex with 138 condominiums in Munich – the “LAO – Leben am Ostpark”.
Dieter Stähele, Technical Director at ZIMA Holding AG, was looking for a suitable solution for a transparent exchange of project documents. The KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten GmbH involved in the project advised him to use the project room and recommended the PMG project room. After a market evaluation and presentations from various manufacturers, Dieter Stähele chose the Software-as-a-Service solution from PMG Projektraum Management GmbH. “The PMG project room is uncomplicated, flexible and inexpensive”, Dieter Stähele explains his decision.
ZIMA made the planning and project bases available to all partners involved via the project room. More than 100 people such as client, architect and specialist planner accessed the documents and uploaded their work results. Including, for example, construction plans, contracts, protocols and tender documents. The company defined the folder structure according to its own requirements.
<em>”For an effective use of a project room, it is important at the beginning of the project to specify exactly which intermediate stages and plan statuses are to be set in the project room,” explains Robin Hartig, project developer at ZIMA Projektentwicklung Deutschland GmbH. “Then you exploit the full potential of a project room.”
When a user uploads a new version of a document, the PMG project room automatically archives the previous version and locks it for access. Therefore, only the current document is available to users. In this way, ZIMA prevented errors due to outdated documents.
“If I want to be sure that I am looking at the latest construction plan, I download it from the project room,” confirms Robin Hartig.
Upon request, the PMG project room also automatically sends an information email to a defined mailing list when a new document is uploaded. This ensured that everyone involved in the project was always up to date with the latest information.
Among other things, ZIMA managed tender documents via the PMG project room. For this purpose, ZIMA stored the documents on the Software-as-a-Service platform. Using the “Send information mail” function, ZIMA also made large amounts of data available to bidders quickly and efficiently via a download link. The bidders could then enter a PIN that they had received in the mail in order to download their documents immediately afterwards.
Since ZIMA manages all relevant construction documents in the project room, a cross-company, complete construction documentation was created automatically. These can later be used by the owners and facility management. “We will definitely use the PMG project room again for larger construction projects,” summarizes Robin Hartig.